Rules for funding teams for Perry Revised 8/14/02

1:         Must be a junior member of the Association of New Jersey

           Rifle and Pistol Clubs.

2:         A competitor must have made a minimum amount of matches for the year. (See below)

3:         Must be an NRA member.

4:         Teams will be formed based on the competitor’s yearly average.  The highest 3p averages will form the 3p teams and the highest prone averages will form the prone teams. All prone scores from all matches will count for your prone yearly average.

            A competitor can only shoot on one team. (Except in an emergence where a shooter may be asked to fill in).

            If a person has the high average in 3P and prone he or she may chose witch team to be on.

5:         Sub-juniors may shoot on any team depending on there yearly averages.

6:         Competitors must be able to be at Camp Perry for the entire stage they are being funded for.  

         Matches requirements:

1:         14 matches out of the 20 matches run by the New Jersey Junior small-bore committee.

2:         4 outdoor matches are mandatory and are included in the 14.

3:         Combination matches such as sportier air and precision air will count as one match.

4:         If you attend more than 14 matches only your 14 highest scores will count. 


Rules for picking the USA Nationals and JORC

1:         Must be a junior member of the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs.

2:         A competitor must have made a minimum amount of matches going back one year before Nationals

           or JORC (See below)

3:         Must be a USA Shooting member.

4:         For Nationals: Competitors must be able to shoot all events. For men 3p, air rifle and prone. For woman 3p, air rifle and prone when held.

5:         Competitors must be able to bring UIT legal equipment.

6:         For Nationals: Competitors with the highest combined 3P and air rifle averages will be picked from the pool of shooter formed from rules 1 thru 5.

7:        For JORC: Competitors must have received an invitation to compete at the OTC from USA Shooting. 

          Minimum matches:

1:         14 matches out of the 20 matches run by the New Jersey Junior small-bore committee.

            Starting from last years USA Nationals or JORC.

2:         4 outdoor matches and 4 air rifle matches are mandatory and are included in the 14.

3:         Combination matches such as sportier air and precision air will count as one match.

4:         If you attend more than 14 matches only your 14 highest scores will count. 


Rules for picking the Walsh team

1:         Must be a junior member of the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs.

2:         A competitor must have made a minimum amount of matches going back one year before Walsh

           match. (See below)

3:         High school juniors will be picked first, then seniors then sophomores.

4:         Competitors must be able to shoot the state qualifying score in 3 position small-bore and air rifle set by USA shooting for that year’s state level Junior Olympic.  Competitors must be able to show proof of there scores if needed.

5.          Competitors must be able to bring UIT legal equipment.

6:         Competitors must be able to shoot both events and at the same time with the team. Except in case of some emergency. (Bad weather in route, car break down, etc...)

7:         The highest scoring competitors will be picked from the pool of shooter formed from rules 1 thru 6.     

       Minimum matches:

1:         14 matches out of the 20 matches run by the New Jersey Junior small-bore committee.

            Starting from last years Walsh.

2:         4 air rifle matches are mandatory and are included in the 14.

3:         Combination matches such as sportier air and precision air will count as one match.

4:         If you attend more than 14 matches only your 14 highest scores will count.